Solutions to Solid Waste Pollution

Effective solid waste management is crucial for maintaining environmental sustainability and public health. Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling, or disposal and monitoring of waste materials. Waste management is one of the major environmental concerns in the world. Proper waste management should include a more systems-oriented approach that addresses the root causes of the problem. Waste management can involve solid, liquid, gaseous, or radioactive substances with different methods and fields of expertise for each.
Solutions to uPOPs Pollution from E-waste

The proper management of e-waste has become an issue of great concern to governments, international organizations, and the general public quite recently. E-waste management can be improved through a change in attitude by governments to prioritize e-waste management, developing appropriate legislation to deal with the problem, formalizing e-waste operations, controlling e-waste dumping, transferring state –of-the-art technologies and implementing EPR schemes will go a long way to reduce the negative impact associated with e-waste management. Educating the public and consumers on the effects of such hazardous waste on human health and the environment, and the best practices to utilize in recycling them is important to help reduce the negative impacts associated with such activities. Making funds available to invest in proper management facilities, technologies, and practices will also be beneficial.
Solutions to Mercury Pollution from ASGM

Mercury is widely used in ASGM due to its ability to efficiently bind with gold, forming an amalgam that can be easily separated from ore. However, mercury releases toxic mercury vapor, contaminates the environment, and can lead to severe health problems for miners and their communities.
This section provides a comprehensive range of solutions to address the unique challenges of mercury pollution from ASGM in Africa. We have outlined sustainable, innovative, and efficient solutions to reduce and ultimately eliminate mercury use in ASGM.
Solutions to Mercury Pollution in General

Mercury pollution is a significant environmental concern because it can have serious health and ecological impacts. It is essential to implement strategies to mitigate and reduce mercury pollution. Here are some key solutions: